This beautiful arrangement of heart shaped 20 fresh red roses in a tall bouquet made happy with your loved one. The grand bouquet is the perfect gift for any and all occasions. The stylish arrangement of leaves with Red Roses,Baby Breaths and Red Ribbons .The flowers arrived on time and were beautifully arranged.
Trim the stems :
After having the delivery, Unwrap the bouquet carefully. Using sharp shears, cut the stems at an angle of 45-degree.We would recommend cutting the stems every couple of days for longevity and freshness.
Clean Water daily :
One of the best ways to get involved with your flowers is to change their water daily with Fresh cold water. Also, it is important that you remove any dead leaves or foliage that fall into the water. This ensures that the water stays clean.
Keep in Indirect light:
For better results, it is important that you place the vase away from direct sunlight. It just needs adequate sunlight to bloom. If you need the flowers to bloom fast, then add warm water to gently persuade the bloom.